Time Pieces for Cello, Volume 1
- Referencia: 9781854729484
- Formas musicales: Piezas
- Instrumentación: Violoncello
- Edición: Partitura
- Compositor: Black, Catherine
Subtitle: Music through the Ages in Two VolumesArranger: Denley, IanSubtitle: Music through the AgesEditor: Black, Catherine / Harris, PaulSeries: ABRSM Time PiecesDepartment: Cello - Cello repertoirePublisher: ABRSMGrade Exam Music• carefully graded selection of tuneful pieces for cello and piano• well-crafted arrangements provide practice of the keys, note-ranges and fingering patterns encountered in the early grades• wide range of material, from Tallis to Tchaikovsky and from Beethoven to Vaughan Williams• each volume presents the pieces in chronological order and prints the year in which they were writtenContentsSHEET MUSIC Canon [Thomas Tallis] Branle des Sabots (from Orchésographie) [Thoinot Arbeau] Ayre, What is it all? [Thomas Campion] Allemande (from Banchetto Musicale) [Johann Schein] Song 22 [Orlando Gibbons] Italian Rant [Anon.] Minuet [Henry Purcell] Minuet from Music for the Royal Fireworks [George Frideric Handel] Trio from Minuet No. 5, XII Menuets pour le Clavecin ou Pianoforte [Joseph Haydn] Das klinget so herrlich from The Magic Flute [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] Marmotte Op. 52 No. 7 [Ludwig van Beethoven] Liebhaber in allen Gestalten (Lover in many forms) [Franz Schubert] Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen (A youth loves a maiden) from Dichterliebe [Robert Schumann] The Sandman [Johannes Brahms] Chanson Russe from Album for the Young [Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky] Czech Dance [Bedrich Smetana] The Elephant from The Carnival of the Animals [Camille Saint-Saëns] Andante from Very Easy Melodious Exercises in the First Position, Op. 22 [Edward Elgar] Moravian Folk Song [Leoš Janácek] The Bear [Vladimir Ivanovich Rebikov] A New Year Carol from Friday Afternoons, Op. 7 [Benjamin Britten] March of the Stegosaurus [Paul Harris]