Spectrum for Cello with CD
- Referencia: 9781860963735
- Formas musicales: Piezas
- Instrumentación: Violoncello
- Edición: Partitura
- Compositor: Álbum, varios autores
Subtitle: 16 contemporary piecesEditor: Bruce, WilliamSeries: ABRSM SpectrumDepartment: Cello - Cello repertoirePublisher: ABRSMGrade Exam Music• reflects the diversity of current compositional trends• an exciting and innovative collection of specially-commissioned pieces• an outstanding volume of repertoire• ranges in difficulty from Grade 1 to Grade 8• an invaluable introduction to contemporary music for cellists• suitable for student, amateur and professional cellists of all ages• includes a CD of all the pieces performed by William Bruce (Cello) and Thalia Myers (Piano)ContentsSHEET MUSIC Still Life [Sally Beamish] Lunar [Richard Causton] Prayer-wheel [Jonathan Dove] The Stonebreaker [Alissa Firsova] Friday to Sunday [Philip Flood] Cantilena [Kenneth Hesketh] Sarabande [Steve Martland] Continuous Study [John Metcalf] Tin Soldier [Rhian Samuel] Song [Rebecca Saunders] Spooky Song [Giles Swayne] Lullaby [Hilary Tann] Angel Blue [Param Vir] With Miriam by the River [Gavin Bryars] Prelude [Nicola LeFanu] Elegy [Jonathan Cole]RECORDINGS Angel Blue [Param Vir] Lullaby [Hilary Tann] Spooky Song [Giles Swayne] Continuous Study [John Metcalf] Still Life [Sally Beamish] Tin Soldier [Rhian Samuel] Prayer-wheel [Jonathan Dove] Friday to Sunday [Philip Flood] The Stonebreaker [Alissa Firsova] Elegy [Jonathan Cole] With Miriam by the River [Gavin Bryars] Sarabande [Steve Martland] Lunar [Richard Causton] Prelude [Nicola LeFanu] Song [Rebecca Saunders] Cantilena [Kenneth Hesketh]